Company: SCHLUMBERGER Mo. (SLB) Location: Algyo, Hungary Benefits: - Competitive Salary
- Permanent contract of employment
- Training path & Career path from trainee to technician
- Abroad maintenance missions paid additionally (3-4 times per year for 2-3 weeks)
- Cafeteria
- Travel expense reimbursement for employees who are commuting to work
- Paid overtime
Role Overview: The Mechanic Technician works as part of the maintenance team to develop his skills and knowledge in the maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of the mechanical and electronic equipment and components used by WCF cementing equipment. Maintenance duties will be performed in the workshop and at the well site.
Responsibilities: - Responsible for the safe operation, maintenance, and repair of all mechanical equipment (e.g.: heavy diesel engines, hydraulics open/close lube systems, pneumatic systems) on the rigs offshore and in the base/yard.
- Complies with all Company and Regulatory QHS&E (Health, Safety, Environment, and Quality) standards and policies.
- Under direction, performs preventative, planned, and unplanned maintenance, repairs, overhauls, tuning, troubleshooting, and testing on company mechanical and electronic equipment according to Company standards and the Standard Equipment Maintenance program.
- Participates in the District HS&E & Quality initiatives & programs (eg. SOIMs, Risk Assessments, Quality Improvements, Emergency Response Plans, HSE & SQ Objectives).
- Develops skills & knowledge to perform support services (including cutting, grinding & drilling), and a basic understanding of compressed air, hydraulic, electrical, and electronic systems, and components.
Requirements: - Mechanical Technicians with a minimum diploma.
- Willingness to travel offshore on an occasional basis.
- Should have demonstrated the ability to work independently under general supervision and the ability to exercise leadership and set a safe work example.
- Experience with diesel or electronic engines, pumps, power ends portable plants, cementing, pressure pumping equipment, etc would be advantageous but is not required.
SLB is an equal employment opportunity employer. Qualified applicants are considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or other characteristics protected by law.
Gepesz TechnikusCeg: SCHLUMBERGER Mo. (SLB) Helyszin: Algyo, Magyarorszag Elonyok: - Versenykepes fizetes
- Hataridos munkaszerzodes
- Kepzesi ut es karrierut a gyakornoktol a technikusig
- Kulfoldi karbantarto kikuldetesek plusz fizetessel (evente 3-4 alkalommal 2-3 hetig)
- Cafeteria
- Utikoltseg-terites a munkaba jaro alkalmazottak szamara
- Egy muszak 9-17
- Fizetett tulora
Szerepkor attekintese: A szerelo technikus a karbantarto csapat reszekent dolgozik azon, hogy fejlessze keszsegeit es ismereteit a WCF cementalo berendezesek altal hasznalt mechanikus es elektronikus berendezesek es alkatreszek karbantartasa, hibaelharitasa es javitasa teren. A karbantartasi feladatokat a muhelyben es a kut teruleten vegezzuk.
Felelossegek: - Felelos az osszes mechanikus berendezes (pl. nehez dizelmotorok, hidraulikus nyito/zaro kenorendszerek, pneumatikus rendszerek) biztonsagos uzemelteteseert, karbantartasaert es javitasaert a furotornyokon a tengeren es a bazison/udvaron.
- Megfelel minden vallalati es szabalyozasi QHS&E (egeszsegugyi, biztonsagi, kornyezeti es minosegi) szabvanynak es iranyelvnek.
- Iranyitassal megelozo, tervezett es nem tervezett karbantartast, javitast, nagyjavitast, hangolast, hibaelharitast es tesztelest vegez a vallalati mechanikus es elektronikus berendezeseken a Vallalati szabvanyok es a Standard Equipment Maintenance program szerint.
- Reszt vesz a keruleti HS&E es minosegi kezdemenyezesekben es programokban (pl. SOIM-ek, kockazatertekelesek, minosegjavitasok, veszhelyzeti reagalasi tervek, HSE es SQ celkituzesek).
- Keszsegeket es ismereteket fejleszt a tamogato szolgaltatasok (beleertve a vagast, koszorulest es furast) elvegzesehez, valamint a suritett levegos, hidraulikus, elektromos es elektronikus rendszerekkel es alkatreszekkel kapcsolatos alapveto ismereteket.
Kovetelmenyek: - Minimum vegzettseggel rendelkezo gepesz technikusok.
- Hajlandosag alkalmankent offshore utazasra.
- Bizonyitani kell, hogy kepes az altalanos felugyelet mellett vegzett onallo munkavegzesre, valamint kepes vezetni es peldat mutatni a biztonsagos munkavegzesre.
- Dizel vagy elektronikai motorok, szivattyuk, hajtomuvek hordozhato berendezesek, cementalo, nyomoszivattyu berendezesek stb. teruleten szerzett tapasztalat elonyt jelent, de nem feltetel.
Az SLB egyenlo foglalkoztatasi lehetoseget biztosito munkaltato. A minositett jelentkezoket fajra, borszinre, vallasra, nemre, szexualis iranyultsagra, nemi identitasra, nemzeti szarmazasra, eletkorra, fogyatekossagra vagy egyeb, torveny altal vedett tulajdonsagra valo tekintet nelkul vesszuk figyelembe.